Today was a good day

Today was a good day.
All my work was done by 5 pm...and I'm holding on to the secret wish of keeping it that way for weeks - or months, if I'm really hopeful! - to come. And possibly even earlier than 5 pm...
It was a good day because I'm longing for 'me time'.
Hanging out with friends, dancing, going to the cinema and to the theatre, reading, crocheting, knitting, taking pictures.
There's so much life after work but I can't seem to be at peace - at least completely! - until I got my mind off work.
So, today was a good day.
And I'm hopeful. For good days to come!
And thankful too.
For example, for the absolutely great few pages I'll be reading in a few moments, in my bed, without thinking about the piles of work I'll have to deal with tomorrow and that I should've done today or yesterday or last week...
Because today was a good day. And I'm happy.


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