
A mostrar mensagens de novembro, 2007

O homem de quem o filme fala...

Averroès O esforço para integrar o pensamento grego à tradição religiosa islâmica está no centro da obra de Averroès, que exerceu considerável influência sobre judeus e cristãos após garantir à Europa medieval a transmissão -- com comentários -- da filosofia aristotélica. Um dos principais expoentes da filosofia árabe, Abu al-Walid Mohamed ibn Ahmad ibn Mohamed ibn Ruchd, conhecido como Averroès ou Averróis, nasceu em Córdoba, na Espanha muçulmana, em 1126. Filho e neto de renomados juristas, recebeu educação esmerada que abrangeu quase todas as ciências e a filosofia da época. Distinguiu-se em funções públicas e devotou-se também ao recolhimento da escrita, deixando textos variados sobre física, medicina, astronomia, jurisprudência, filosofia e teologia. É da sua autoria um célebre compêndio de medicina que circulou nas escolas europeias da Idade Média com o título latino de Colliget. Pouco se sabe sobre a sua vida anterior a 1169, quando foi nomeado cadi (juiz) em Sevilha, cargo que ...

The Movie

Realização de Youssef Chahine 1997

Movie frames

'LE DESTIN' 1997

Na mesinha de cabeceira...


The destiny's hand

Fotografia de Jitka Hanzlová

Destiny - Zero 7

I lie awake I’ve gone to ground I’m watching porn In my hotel dressing gown Now I dream of you But I still believe There’s only enough for one in this Lonely hotel suite The journey’s long And it feels so bad I’m thinking back to the last day we had Old moon fades into the new Soon I know I’ll be back with you I’m nearly with you I’m nearly with you When I’m weak I draw strength from you And when you’re lost I know how to change your mood And when I’m down you breathe life over me Even though we’re miles apart we are each other’s destiny On a clear day I’ll fly home to you I’m bending time getting back to you Old moon fades into the new Soon I know I’ll be back with you I’m nearly with you I’m nearly with you When I’m weak I draw strength from you And when you’re lost I know how to change your mood And when I’m down you breathe life over me Even though we’re miles apart we are each other’s destiny When I’m weak I draw strength from you And when you’re lost I know how to change your moo...

...à maré!


Sem destino - Da linha...

Fotografia de Jitka Hanzlová

Another Jitka Hanzlová's photograph...


This Week's Photo

Jitka Hanzlová In her Female series, Jitka Hanzlová photographs women of different ages and ethnic origins in cities she visits. There is, in her selection of subjects, a developing tipology; individual styles and characters seem to become legible because of Hanzlová's serial and systematic approach. How each woman reacts to the camera gives us information about her state of mind. Street portraiture in this vein becomes a transparent testimony to the photographic encounter. It is on this that our imaginings about the sitters pivot, reinforced by the similarities and differences between the images of a single series.

Ah, e não te esqueças...

há coisas e há pessoas que são como o Vinho do Porto: quanto mais o tempo passa...melhores se tornam! :)

...e com as pessoas de quem gostas!

Beijinhos! Tem um bom dia...!!!



cheio de sol, alegria...


...mas sei desejar-te um dia muito feliz,


Não sei desenhar, Roger...


Fun In The Sun

Fun In The Sun I Alfred Gockel

(Another) Sunrise - Norah Jones

Sunrise Looks like morning in your eyes...

Sunrise - Duran Duran

lalalala lalalala lalalala-la now the time has come, the music between us though the night seems young - is at an end only change will bring you out of the darkness in this moment everything is born again reach up for the sunrise put your hands into the big sky you can touch the sunrise feel the new day enter your life now the fireball burns, we go round together as the planet turns into the light something more than dreams to watch out for each other? 'cause we know what it means to be alive reach up for the sunrise put your hands into the big sky you can touch the sunrise feel the new day enter your life

The sun at midnight

Lives in eternity's sun rise. William Blake

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Stevie Wonder

You are the sunshine of my life That's why I'll always be around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you'll stay in my heart I feel like this is the beginning, Though I've loved you for a million years, And if I thought our love was ending, I'd find myself drowning in my own tears You are the sunshine of my life, That's why I'll always stay around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you'll stay in my heart You must have known that I was lonely, Because you came to my rescue, And I know that this must be heaven, How could so much love be inside of you? You are the sunshine of my life, yeah, That's why I'll always stay around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you'll stay in my heart Love has joined us, Love has joined us, Let's think sweet love

Frames For A Rising Love

Little Miss Sunshine

Canção Simples

Há qualquer coisa de leve na tua mão, Qualquer coisa que aquece o coração. Há qualquer coisa quente quando estás, Qualquer coisa que prende e nos desfaz. E... Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais que o sol. A forma dos teus braços sobre os meus, O tempo dos meus olhos sobre os teus. Desço nos teus ombros p'ra provar Tudo o que pediste p'ra levar. E... Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais... Tens os raios fortes a queimar Todo o gelo frio que construí. Entras no meu sangue devagar E eu a transbordar dentro de ti. Tens os raios brancos como um rio, Sou quem sai do escuro p'ra te ver, Tens os raios puros no luar, Sou quem grita fundo para te ter. E... Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais que o sol. Fazes muito mais... Quero ver as cores que tu vês P'ra saber a dança que tu és. Quero ser do vento que te faz, Quero ser do espaço onde estás. Deixa ser tão leve a tua mão...

Je ne suis pas seul

Chargée De fruits légers aux lèvres Parée De mille fleurs variées Glorieuse Dans les bras du soleil Heureuse D'un oiseau familier Ravie D'une goutte de pluie Plus belle Que le ciel du matin Fidèle Je parle d'un jardin Je rêve Mais j'aime justement. Paul ELUARD, Médieuses (1939)

...até ao abraço quente do reflexo!


Desfiando o novelo solar...


Voodoo Girl

Her skin is white cloth, and she's all sewn apart and she has many colored pins sticking out of her heart. She has many different zombies who are deeply in her trance. She even has a zombie who was originally from France. But she knows she has a curse on her, a curse she cannot win. For if someone gets too close to her, the pins stick farther in. Tim Burton The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories 1997

This Week's Photo

Tatsumi Orimoto Bread Man Son and Alzheimer Mama Tokyo, 1996 'Bread Man' is the performance performance of the Japanese artist Tatsumi Orimoto, who hides his face under a sculptural mass of bread and then performs normal everyday activities. His performances as this cartoonish caracter are not particularly dramatic. As he walks or cycles around a town, his strange but not threatening appearance is usually politely ignored by passers-by: occasionally it engenders amused curiosity. But the photographs representing these absurdist interventions are dependent on people's willingness and resistance to break with their daily routines in order to interact and be photographed with the artist. Orimoto has also used his bread guise for double portraits of himself and his mother, who has Alzheimer's disease, a visual merging of her changed mental reality with his performance of physical difference.

The movie


Movie frame II


Movie frame I


Na mesinha de cabeceira


Morning passages sounds

Philip Glass (born January 31 , 1937 ) is a three-time Academy Award -nominated American composer . He is considered one of the most influential composers of the late- 20th century [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] and is widely acknowledged as a composer who has brought art music to the public (apart from precursors such as Kurt Weill and Leonard Bernstein ), in creating an accessibility not previously recognized by the broader market. Glass's music is frequently described as minimalist , though he has distanced himself from that description, calling himself, among other things, a composer of "music with repetitive structures." [6] Though his earliest music could arguably be called minimalist, his later style has evolved significantly enough that the label is probably inappropriate for many of his works. [7] [8] Morning Passages and Dead Things :

À espera da chuva

O menino. Saiu de casa ao princípio da manhã, levado pelo gotejar de luz que nascia entre as suas pálpebras. Deixou a angústia correr escarpa abaixo até à praia. E atirou os sapatos, o corpo e o casaco de inverno ao chão como chuva forte. Não estendeu os cabelos na areia, como de costume. Recusou-se a deslizar os dedos pelas linhas afiadas das conchas e dos búzios. E a extorquir notas agudas da espessa cinza do céu. O menino. Enregelou os ossos dos pés no banho de grãos. Inspirou, ofegante, o ar frio que lhe empalideceu as raízes dos braços e das pernas no dia claro. E embalou, do alto de si e no sepulcro da ausência, a gaivota. Amassou a angústia na lama do medo e da culpa, secou a mistura rente à pele e, quando escorreu pelos olhos, acobardou-os num simulacro de semicerrar, na vã esperança. Se a gaivota voasse... As horas e as garras agarraram fiadas de cabelo e ali, cipreste de braços caídos, esperou, esperou e esperou. Os pés dormentes ardiam-lhe, encurralados pelo pó escorregadio ...

Conseguem ver as horas...?

Relógio de sol Túmulo do Mullah Ismaïl Meknès

Hoje foi dia de castanhas...


This Week's Photo

Family of the Future Series 1992-1997 Oleg Kulik The ukrainian artist Oleg Kulik always made photography part of his performance. Kulik stages animalistic protests and zoomorphic performances in an attempt to suggest that we are the alter egos of animals and animals are ours. There is a direct, politically confrontational element to Kulik's performances that have included acting like a savage dog and attacking the police and representatives of institutionalized power. His dedication to this concept of the 'artist-animal' is not just a persona he adopts for the length of his performances but also a way of life: he has even performed his own Animal Party to give his ideas a platform within the political arena. Kulik's Family of the Future is made up of photographs anda drawings that ruminate on what the relationship between man and animals could be if the behaviour and attitudes of both were combined in one lifestyle. That's why Kulik is shown naked with a dog, perfor...

The movie


Para a minha outra Maria!!!

E lembra-te, Maria: O diamante-rosa que trazes no lugar do coração será sempre bom de carregar; basta que te lembres que és um cisne dourado e as tuas penas serão sempre leves, coloridas e alegres...como mereces! Um dia feliz para ti, cisne!

A few more of my favourite balloons...

...from the same artist, all around the world...!