This Week's Photo

Family of the Future Series
Oleg Kulik

The ukrainian artist Oleg Kulik always made photography part of his performance.
Kulik stages animalistic protests and zoomorphic performances in an attempt to suggest that we are the alter egos of animals and animals are ours.

There is a direct, politically confrontational element to Kulik's performances that have included acting like a savage dog and attacking the police and representatives of institutionalized power. His dedication to this concept of the 'artist-animal' is not just a persona he adopts for the length of his performances but also a way of life: he has even performed his own Animal Party to give his ideas a platform within the political arena.

Kulik's Family of the Future is made up of photographs anda drawings that ruminate on what the relationship between man and animals could be if the behaviour and attitudes of both were combined in one lifestyle. That's why Kulik is shown naked with a dog, performing part-human, part-animal behaviour.

About I Bite America and America Bites Me exhibition:


Mensagens populares deste blogue

A Brancal fechou!

Batalha das Limas