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Every breath you take
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Last night, we walked on the moon...and it was great! A very good concert...!!! :)
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Anónimo disse…
Pois foi... e não viste tu o filho que não é nada mau....filho de peixe sabe nadar! Continuo a preferir o "everything she does is magic"
Fica a letra:
Though I've tried before to tell her Of the feelings I have for her in my heart Every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve As I've done from the start
Every little thing she does is magic Everything she does just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on
Do I have to tell the story Of a thousand rainy days since we first met It's a big enough umbrella But it's always me that ends up getting wet
Every little thing she does is magic Everything she does just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on
I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day And ask her if she'll marry me in some old fashioned way But my silent fears have gripped me Long before I reach the phone Long before my tongue has tripped me Must I always be alone?
Every little thing she does is magic Everything she does just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on
Anónimo disse…
O Walking in the Moon numa noite de lua cheia calhou-lhes mt bem!
Bem, mas claro o melhor do concerto foi mesmo a companhia!
Bem sei que tudo se acaba...mas fiquei chocada: foi-se a cor, foram-se as lãs...e até as prateleiras! Sem um papelinho sequer na porta a dizer se faliram, se mudaram de sítio... E agora onde vou buscar as minhas lãs para acabar os meus cachecóis de Natal...?!?! Não há direito!
A Batalha das Limas é uma tradição micaelense, que se traduz num cortejo realizado na tarde da Terça-Feira de Carnaval, onde camiões abertos, carregados de jovens - e menos jovens - armados de capacetes disparam e são alvejados por limas (= estas bolas de parafina) ou, actualmente em maior número, sacos plásticos, que contêm no seu interior água, transformando a Avenida Marginal de Ponta Delgada num campo de batalha divertido...e muito molhado, pois claro!!!
Sim, parti no dia 06 de Junho. Não, não regressei hoje. A vida tem sido muito atribulada...e injusta para o meu blogue. Isto porque, regressada oito dias depois da partida, houve que recuperar o trabalho atrasado. E houve festivais de folk, workshops de dança, exposições de fotografia, receitas novas de culinária, cinema...e até uma festa de S. João que durou duas noites!!! Assim, não há tempo que sobre! Mas já cá estou, pronta para contar as aventuras...
Continuo a preferir o "everything she does is magic"
Fica a letra:
Though I've tried before to tell her
Of the feelings I have for her in my heart
Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve
As I've done from the start
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on
Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on
I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day
And ask her if she'll marry me in some old fashioned way
But my silent fears have gripped me
Long before I reach the phone
Long before my tongue has tripped me
Must I always be alone?
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on
Bem, mas claro o melhor do concerto foi mesmo a companhia!